Myth #9 People with Dentures, Crowns or Veneers can’t whiten their teeth.
You can whiten your teeth even if you have Dentures! The beautiful thing about Carbamide Peroxide is that it cleans any surface even if it’s not natural teeth by the power of the released Oxygen. The best thing you can do here is to consult your dentist before doing whitening your teeth. As whitening may cause cracks or weaken the attachment of the caps and crowns. You can use carbamide Peroxide bleaching on your natural teeth first. Upon your dentists approval of the condition, you can continue with your dentures. As in this case it would be easy for the dentist to match it with the color of your teeth after whitening. In that case, the result would be great with all matched white teeth and enjoy the beautiful smile! You wouldn’t want your dentist to match your yellow teeth.